How to go on – the spiritual world gives information – the cosmic messenger pigeon

In the last few months, I have been very busy with my own processes myself, so I have stayed away from blogging. I have been asked by the spiritual realm to write a post about the current challenge and I invite you to join me.

I have the pleasure that some light beings accompany me in creating this post. There is also the possibility that you may open your heart to experience healing energies from the angels of healing. I also invite you to observe your heart while reading this article and feel what is being conveyed to you. I invite you to take a piece of paper after reading to write down what gifts your soul or Higher Self is giving you. So then, have fun with it.

The quality of time makes a lot happen and everything is in the flow of change. Spiritual beings from the higher dimensions have received permission to support people in their healing process. The crisis is intended to open people up, to reach people who are otherwise accompanied by so many distractions. The opening of the heart enables everyone to find themselves in a simple and direct way. Healing is now possible immediately and on all levels. Invite the Angels of Healing, they will support you, for that is what they have agreed to do when the time is right.

Systems are built up over generations to use them, to experience them, and then let them collapse again. The human system is on the threshold of a new age. Not an age of destruction, but an age of change on all levels. What is currently being experienced all over the world is a wonderfully orchestrated sequence of activities or processes that will lead to humanity finally being able to awaken. Only when mankind is in pain and panic does he begin to look, does he begin to change.

Have trust and you recognize in the chaos the beautiful and the good, which may now show itself. It hurts in many places. The fear is omnipresent and the outlook is gloomy and shows us that it cannot and will not go on like this.

Mother Earth and the animals rejoice in what is. They have understood that the change will come soon. Of course, the animals know that humans will soon return to the old pattern. Humans are so trapped in their system that it is not easy to get out.

Expect that the spiritual hierarchy have many more possibilities to reach people. In the beginning, the small things will change and become something bigger. Be ready for what is to come.

The Christ-Energy, as it is called by the humans, has arrived.

It is physically anchored in a person and can now be radiated and transmitted through him to all humanity. The return of the prophet, the ascended Master Jeshua, is now finally ready. The anchoring of the Christ-Energy begins with the next full moon cycle and will continue over the coming weeks.

With this build-up of energy, humanity is beginning to change and with the change, the vibration on earth begins to increase massively until it will finally show itself. A new BEING is awakening and you have stepped out of the matrix and recognize your divine SELF, which has been sleeping for so long.

The Spiritual Hierarchy rejoices in what is to come, as it will be a turning point in human history on Earth. Dark energies will then have no place and make way for Light and Love, which will bring people together even more. Be ready for the greatest gift that you will give yourself.

Rejoice, finally it is so far – you are free

The cosmic messenger pigeon


Original language is German and was translated to English by The cosmic messenger pigeon


Copyright © Cosmic Messenger Pigeon. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

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